
WHO public advice for the public in coronavirus affected areas

WHO public advice for the public in coronavirus affected areas

WHO public advice on how to confront the coronavirus pandemic globally released. The advice focuses on how to interact with the outside world during this pandemic and how you can protect yourself from getting infected.
The coronavirus continues to cause havoc globally, with now more than 130 countries reporting at least a case. This has contributed to more than 6,500 deaths, with an estimated 169,000 people infected.
This has led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the virus as a global pandemic. WHO has also come up with some recommendations that the public can use to ensure the spreading of the disease is minimized. Some of this advice is:

Washing hands

It has been demonstrated that the virus can stay on surfaces for several hours. This poses a challenge that you might come into contact with the virus unknowingly. WHO advised proper washing of your hands using soap or alcohol-based hand rub regularly. This will help kill the virus that you might have come into contact with.

Social distancing

Keeping distance between people has been hailed as an effective way of keeping the number of infections low. WHO public advice notes that when someone sneezes, social distance can help you not to get infected because, when you are far, you can not breathe the infected droplets.

WHO public advice on touching the mouth, eyes and nose

WHO also recommended that people should avoid at all costs touching their eyes, mouth and noses. This will help in preventing the spread of disease, which you might have picked by touching a surface with the virus. Data has shown that the virus can survive on surfaces for hours and therefore, it is important to ensure you follow this guideline.

Respiratory hygiene

The WHO public advice also recommended using a tissue when sneezing and covering your mouth and noses while sneezing. Avoiding sneezing in public to minimize the risk of infecting others. By observing this measure, you will not only be keeping yourself healthy, but also protecting others from the virus.

Seeking medical advice

In case you feel ill and displaying symptoms associated with coronavirus, the WHO public advice recommends to visit a physician. This will help you know your status and, if infected, start treatment early. It will also protect your loved ones if you are infected, where they will be able to take appropriate measures to avoid getting infected with the disease also.
As the world continues to battle the spread of coronavirus, there is optimism as cases of recovery are improving. The number of new infections is also going down, as evidenced in South Korea, which has had success in containing the virus.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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