United States Universities

Virtual learning to continue for the fall 2020 term, California state university announces

Virtual learning to continue for the fall 2020 term, California state university announces

CSU has said it will implement virtual learning when its campuses reopen in the fall. Other universities are also expected to copy this decision if the pandemic will not have ended.
The decision to reopen colleges across the US and the mode of reopening to be implemented amid coronavirus continues to be a challenge. The face to face instructions these colleges are used to will no longer be possible unless the coronavirus pandemic subsides substantially in the coming months leading to the fall.

The dilemma of school reopenings

The Trump administration is already urging all sectors across the US to start reopening the country. In a conference call between Vice President Mike Pence and the Education Secretary, Betsy Devos, they urged presidents of 14 prominent institutions to start reopening their campuses.
The pressure to reopen is high as students have also started demanding a refund of part of their fees, such as accommodation fees. The financial implications of closing down the campuses for a long time are also being felt, especially by smaller colleges.
Some universities, such as the University of Kentucky, have drawn scenarios on how they can reopen safely, such as having dispensers for personal protective equipment. Still, there has not been any university that has been brave enough to come up with a concrete plan to act as a guide for others to follow.

Implementation of virtual learning

That has, however, changed with California State University (CSU) announcing they will be moving forward with reopening in the fall and would migrate all their learning will be conducted virtually.
Timothy White, chancellor of the 23 campuses, said in a remote meeting that they would be implementing virtual learning come the fall reopenings. This would ensure students are safe while studying, social distancing is observed and learning continues as usual.
This is a major development in the debate on how colleges are supposed to reopen. CSU is the largest public system in the US, with more than 500,000 students enrolled in its 23 campuses. The decision to move classes online is expected to receive a following by other universities who have so far been indecisive about reopenings.
Virtual learning might just be the solution for the safe reopening of these colleges. Because of its size and influence, a majority of universities are expected to toe the line and implement virtue learning as a modus operandi.
featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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