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University of Maryland builds near Amazon

In a recent statement, the University of Maryland (UMD) announced that there would be a new collaborative space open near Amazon’s headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia. The project will hopefully be finished by 2020. 
According to plans, the collaboration center will be arranged over eight thousand square feet (8000 sq.ft) and will be located in one of Virginia’s neighborhoods, which will also welcome Amazon’s second headquarters in the United States.
The main goal of the UMD Discovery Center will be to bring together faculty members, students, and business leaders in developing modern solutions for the digital age. According to UMD’s announcement, the center will host different gatherings, presentations, symposiums, and lectures. 
Of course, the decision to locate the center close to Amazon’s HQ2 is not coincidental. A number of other higher education institutions have already reserved spots around the area, as they are looking to build and maintain working relationships with Amazon. 

University of Maryland demonstrates forward-thinking

Placing a discovery center right next to the future headquarters of the world’s largest e-commerce platform is a clear demonstration of forward-thinking from the University of Maryland. 
While some universities are looking into ways to attract students by providing free courses, UMD has chosen to focus on providing students with prospective job positions in a leading global company. 
This is a winning strategy, considering the fact that many graduates stray away from their field of studies when they begin working. The proximity of the discovery center to one of the hubs of activity behind Amazon’s success will be an excellent opportunity for collaboration with experts from the company. 
UMD is making a conscious effort to give students a prospect for their future beyond university. Not only that, but Amazon experts will be able to carry out lectures and seminars for prospective employees.

In the interim…

Experts from the academia and technology sector often come together to discuss drawbacks and propagate common interests. Be that as it may, all sectors should not be diverted from the primary responsibility of an institution to deliver good education.
This is a win-win strategy for UMD as we’ve seen in nature, organisms in a mutualistic relationship evolve together. As more scholarships are being rescinded by governments everywhere, academic institutions must look to other means of survival and persisting in harsh economic times.


Hristina Yordanova

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