
UNESCO launches initiative to help out of school children

Out of school children

After the coronavirus pandemic became a global scourge, almost all countries around the world were put on lockdown to curb the virus’s growing infection rate.
Airports, interstates, and an inter-country lockdown were said to be in effect immediately countries started reporting a high rate of infection.
This lockdown affected schools, leaving them no option but to send their students home and close the gates to allow them to stay home and not risk infection.
Regarding about 1.5 billion children that were sent back after the pandemic began, there is no talk whatsoever about what should be done to the 258 million out of school children who have limited or no access to education.

59 million primary school children currently out of school, UNESCO

According to a survey put together by the statistics unit of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, about 59 million out of school children are supposed to be at the primary level.
With the safety effects of the closing of the school considered, UNESCO has now added the learning capabilities of children to their criteria.
Considering the result of another survey carried out, the organization has been able to name one key factor responsible for the children’s inability to go to school, which is continuous poverty. 
According to the 2017 survey carried out on the school children’s proficiency level, UNESCO discovered that around 56%, which equals approximately 617 million children, are not up to the minimum level required.
In the words of the Assistant DG at UNESCO, Stefania Giannini, some key factors, including poor background, lack of equality in the country, and marriage at an early age, are the fate suffered by these children. The Assistant Director-General further noted that these things would eventually affect the future of nations involved.

UNESCO launches initiative for out of school children

UNESCO said they had started an initiative to help students currently staying at home idle as a result of school closure. The organization said they are partnering with organizations and firms around the world to make the global initiative a maximum success.

We are currently partnering with firms and non-profit organizations across the globe to provide a learning solution to out-of-school children forced to stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic or lack of financials, Giannini noted.

Continuing in her words, Giannini noted that this solution is not the only one that the firm hopes to embark on as they are looking to initiate programs of this nature for out of school children in the coming years.
Therefore, she calls on schools, teachers, and governments around the world to help make every child’s dream of education a reality.
In the words of a member of the initiative, Dr. Pigozzi noted that the effects of staying at home are hard-on out of school children while asking the general public to look for a way to help the initiative.

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