Government Schools

UNESCO warns about downhill trend of meeting education goals

Back in 2015, world leaders made an agreement that all girls and boys will be provided with free education in primary up to secondary by 2030. However, the cause of the downhill trend is the lack of funds according to Unesco’s report.
An estimated number of one in every six children will not be able to get into free education as said in Sustainable Development Goals.
On top of that, 225 million or fourteen percent (14%) of the total youths aged six to seventeen years across the globe won’t be able to attend school by 2030. The report also added that forty percent (40%) will not be able to finish studying up to secondary education. When the number includes Africa, the figure will be boosted by up to fifty percent (50%).
One of the leaders, Helen Clark, the chair advisory board of the Global Education Monitoring Report stated that:

“Today’s warning [on the education goal] has worrying implications for the whole 2030 agenda on sustainable development. It’s never too late to act to correct course, but doing so is now urgent if the global agenda is to be achieved.”

According to Unesco’s analysis, seventy-two (72) governments and local official authorities have made no significant educational improvement. This is an apparent indication of a large gap that needs to address before it can affect on a global scale.
The wide disparity among the low-income countries will greatly benefit if the policymakers and business work together to reduce the disconnection by uplifting the online learning environment.

Dealing with the stalled progress

Acknowledging the impending progress was shown in the UN’s Broadband Commission. It aims to expand and assists in creating accessible educational materials with the use of the Internet with social integration.
Establishing online studying community allows flexible collaboration and the playing field’ for the students. 
For the aim of producing results, Clark further accentuates on how to address the core issue:

“Considering that ‘a good quality education’ was voted young people’s most important priority in 2015 when the SDGs were being decided, leaders today have a lot to answer for. Countries must commit to investing more in education now so that we do not break the global promise made to today’s children and youth.”

With the number starting to grow out of control, world leaders are making the move to stop it. Drop down in the comment below about what your thoughts are.


Kellah Pacquiao

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