Europe Government

UK schools showcased by Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s scheme for UK schools

Boris Johnson, United Kingdom (UK) Prime Minister, revealed plans for UK schools, emphatic about wanting all pupils to succeed despite their social backgrounds. 
However, a leaked memo sent by civil servants to Gavin Williamson, the UK Education Secretary, shows that some of the projected policies are impracticable and intended only at gaining political mileage, a veritable showcase. 
Some of the plans intended to the UK education structure include increasing teachers’ wages to the tune of thirty thousand pounds (£30,000) annually. 

Johnson’s strategy for UK education

The prime minister has depicted his objective of making the UK education better so that inclusivity can be widespread.
One of his primary goals entails ensuring that all learners prosper in their educational endeavors, irrespective of their distinctive traits such as previous background history.
Additionally, schools are to be allocated extra funds of approximately two billion pounds (£2B). Nevertheless, this strategy has been criticized because some quarters view it as being stage-managed. 
For instance, the extra cash in schools is being viewed as a reverse of the four percent (4%) cut imposed from 2015.
Expressly, double this amount is necessitated so that the austerity impacts imposed since the beginning of this year can be averted. 
The memo was instrumental in depicting that the extra cash is intended at fast-tracking efficiency in learning institutions. 

Prudent education policies crucial in the UK 

Johnson’s plans for the education sector have been criticized that their intentions do not address some of the critical issues.
For instance, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) asserted England’s worrying numeracy and literacy levels despite it being a wealthy nation. 
Expressly, persons aged between sixteen and twenty-four years (16-24) had lower numeracy and literacy levels than people aged between fifty-five and sixty-five years (55-65).
Notably, a rough road is expected in the UK education system. Someone quipped on the proposed policies as “an audacious raid on Labour territory with the cash benefiting young, female and non-white state employees who, after years of cuts, disdain the Tories.”
How about controversial and dramatic policies such as teachers utilizing reasonable force to restore order in the classroom? Restoration of sanity by force? If Boris Johnson wants reelection, he is treading in deep waters.


Brian Njuguna

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