Asia Schools

UAE schools welcome 1M students

UAE schools reopen

At least one (1) million students from the UAE were admitted to reopened schools on September 1 after being on summer holiday for two (2) months. 
UAE has distinctive curriculums. Expressly, the Ministry of Education, International Baccalaureate, British, and American curriculum schools are beginning their 2019-20 academic year, whereas Bangladeshi, Filipino, Pakistani, and Indian curriculum schools are entering their second (2nd) or third (3rd) semester of 2019-20.

UAE schools reopened after the crescent moon appeared

The crescent moon appeared on the night of August 30. As a result, August 31 was depicted as the beginning of the Islamic New Year prompting schools to be opened on September 1. 
Parents were informed about this development by relevant schools through social media posts and text messages. Nevertheless, some schools will open at a later date based on their schedule. 
Notably, parents were forced to carry out last-minute shopping for timely admissions and registrations for their children. 

UAE police reassurance

Heavy traffic was anticipated as UAE schools reopened. As a result, the police force reassured all the stakeholders that their security could be enhanced as they could beef up patrols. 
Additionally, motorists were requested to adhere to road regulations, particularly near schools.
According to Zubair Haider, a Pakistani father, his family was fortunate to live in the school’s neighborhood as his wife could find it easy dropping their children to school. Nevertheless, he asserted that he could go to work earlier than expected as he expected a massive traffic snarl-up. 
Consequently, parents employed by the federal government have been granted more time-off to ensure that their children get to school. This trend is also adhered to by many companies.
Notably, at least fifteen thousand (15,000) new vacancies will be available in UAE charter schools whose objective is the creation of an adequate educational network, as well as the generation of a competitive environment. 
On the other hand, Dubai universities have undergone a higher education classification


Brian Njuguna

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