United States Universities

Top university picks for education degrees 2019

Times Higher Education (THE) released their data called World University Rankings to show the top picks for education degrees for 2019.
The calculation included about 1,250 universities using thirteen (13) performance indicators. It values independent assessment with comprehensive comparisons and has been the only global university ranking who has done this by far.
Unshakeable, University of Oxford topped the World University Rankings for the second time. It was followed by the University of Cambridge as second (2nd) rank and has also been untouched in two years in a row. Both leading universities came from the United Kingdom. 
Out of the top ten (10), most universities were from the United States. The third (3rd) rank was placed to Stanford University. Harvard University was in sixth (6th) place and accompanied by Princeton University as the seventh (7th). All of which were from the US. 
Placed at eighth, Yale University was the only newcomer out of the bunch. From last year’s ranking as the twelfth (12th), it climbed up to the ranks of the top ten. Which resulted for Switzerland’s elite university called ETH Zurich dropped from the tenth (10th) down to eleventh (11th).
The Tsinghua University of China has displayed remarkable results after taking eight leaps to earn the twenty-second (22nd) place. But Tsinghua is not alone as the Chinese riser. Zhejiang University went up to 101st rank, a feat that meant outperforming seventy-six (76) universities from its former rank.
THE sorted the top universities for education. Ranking as the top was the Stanford University while Harvard University took the second (2nd) place. The University of Oxford, which is the overall first (1st) rank, was placed as the fifth top choice for education.
Times Higher Education (THE) used a carefully calibrated metrics to pick their top universities. The specific way on how it was done was posted officially.

Warning to false advertisements

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Advertising Standards Authority cautions against exaggerated claims made to attract students.
Chief executive Guy Parker says institutions must have “good evidence” as students need to decide well when making a financial commitment.
“Misleading would-be students is not only unfair, but it can also lead them to make choices that aren’t right for them,” said Mr. Parker.

The advertising watchdog has issued since 2017 warnings to universities giving misleading information.
Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute, said that intensifying competition between universities now has a “touch of the Wild West about it”.
“Universities should be careful about their claims, which need to be robust, truthful and useful.
“But it is a good thing that they are telling potential applicants more than they used to in the past.”


Kellah Pacquiao

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