Recently, the Thailand Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Suvit Maesincee, has expressed his opinion that higher education institutions in the country should focus more on boosting technological development.
According to Mr. Suvit, universities and colleges in Thailand should keep up with modern tendencies and improve their electronic equipment, so students can benefit from the latest developments in technology for education.
Technology is taking over educational systems worldwide, and Mr. Suvit has explained that in order to provide quality education, universities in the country should update their digital tools.
Thailand and modern technology
In his recent statements, Mr. Suvit has emphasized that modern education is evolving fast, and students in Thailand now get access to many online higher education courses. Because of this trend, many of the higher education institutions in the country are left with fewer students than their capacity.
In addition, the birth rate in the country has been falling steadily for the past several decades, which means that there are significantly fewer students to fill in higher education spots.
In order to battle these factors, Mr. Suvit has advised universities in Thailand to focus on developing a technology-centric curriculum, which will be more attractive to international students as well.
Another focus for higher education institutions should be to provide additional courses for people who have already graduated and are on the labor market. According to Mr. Suvit, courses on digital tools and technology could benefit not only future students but also people who have already graduated. Overall, a significant boost in Thailand’s technology education will be beneficial for several age groups, and not only for future students.