Europe Technology

Technology degrees urgent for UK's industries


“Technology opens new possibilities and horizons for higher education that we hadn’t even thought of.”

UK’s industries geared towards tech progress

The industry is evolving and so as the demand for workforce needed for this transition. As demand changes, universities all around the world are also adapting to these needs. New curriculums are being developed, changing traditional methods into a more tech-related approach.
The degrees of the future will be controlled by these employers in the Industry. The skills they will need will be the courses that shall be in demand. Accolades that students achieved now will become redundant and irrelevant for future employers. Constant change is a must to compete in the Industry of the future.
Take into example the new artificial intelligence program that was launched by the Business Secretary earlier 2019, it led into thousands of Master’s and Ph.D. scholarships offers for graduates with ensured positions at tech companies like DeepMind and BAE Systems. The scholarships act like a work and study offer which is to the delight of the employers.

Technology courses highly in demand

According to a data from Universities UK, based on 89% of the employers surveyed, apprentices having the following skills are highly needed in a fast-paced economy: Medicine, Engineering, Arts, Law, and Language.
The work and study combination is a rare opportunity for some companies that any graduate should grab. It gives you a “lifelong degree”. The rapid changes in the workplace require people to up their skill level now and then. Stagnant routine jobs are a thing of the past. In a fast-paced economy, to compete, you should be willing to learn new skills.
Stackable degrees are also a viable option for fresh graduates. After graduation, they can proceed with small courses that earn extra certificates, it adds up to your credentials when applying. Most stackable degrees are found in the field of technology and computer science, it can vary to tech stuff, programming, and coding, which we all know are banging up the salary in today’s industry.
In recent data, technology-oriented jobs are receiving a very decent amount of pay. Besides, small courses can be taken while having a regular job since it is not as time-consuming as compared to regular university courses.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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