Europe Teachers

40K additional teachers in the UK return to work

40K additional teachers in the UK return to work

Teachers in the UK are slowly coming back to classes amid coronavirus concerns. In one week, the number of teachers attending classes has increased by 40,000 from 200,000 to 240,000.
On June 1st, the UK reopened schools amid controversies and fear about the safety of students and school staff. More than three weeks later, the reopening has been slow, with teachers and students alike failing to come back to schools.

Teachers in the UK slowly returning back to work

Data from the Department for Education, however, has been positive this week with the number of teachers in the UK, who attended classes this week rising by 40,000. The data showed that on June 11th, only 200,000 teachers attended classes. June 18th recorded the highest number of teachers and students attending classes.
Data also showed that more schools had reopened within the week, with 78 percent of schools reporting they have reopened for at least a group of students compared to only 67 percent last week. Students in Year 6, according to the data, had the highest frequency of class attendance at 42 percent. They were followed by children in reception, who attended class at a rate of 36 percent and year 1 student who attended at a rate of 33 percent.

A significant number of schools reopen

The rate of schools open at some capacity did not change within the week and showed that 92 percent of schools were open in some capacity during that period.
Non-teaching staff are also slowly coming back to schools according to the data from the Department for Education. On June 11th, about 280,000 of them attended schools, however, on June 18th, the figure had shot up to more than 327,000 staff.
The number of students who attended school during that period also significantly increased with data showing that only 9 percent of pupils (868,000) had attended school on June 11th. A week later, the figure had risen to 12.2 percent, with 1,160,000 students attending classes.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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