Europe Teachers

Teachers in England to get 'loyalty bonus' boost

Teachers in England to get 'loyalty bonus' boost

Teachers of science and modern languages will be paid the top bonus of $11,000 or even more from the following year, should they decide to stay and continue at the school. With this, the government also announced new scholarships and fellowship programs for schools.
With elections coming up, the government apparently has started paying heed to the teachers in England and school fundings.
If any teacher completes his or her 4-year tenure post-training working in government schools, they shall be eligible for ‘early career payments’. This was eligible only in the case of Mathematics teachers, but Physics, Chemistry, French and Spanish teachers would join them from 2020. This was according to the new rules by the Department for Education.
The retention bonus would start from $7,500 in their initial 4 years. Teachers in areas with higher demand will be paid even more. Over these years, taking everything into account, if the teacher is even a second-class degree holder, he or she will be entitled to almost $45,000 over the top ‘loyalty bonus’.

Massive need for Physics and Math teachers in England

Education secretary Gavin Williamson declared that there would be a massive rise in the students in schools in the upcoming year. With this, there is a huge need for teachers too. On top of that, teachers in England would have their starting salary increased to a minimum of $37,000. 
England needs its best teachers at this time and putting up such lucrative offers and benefits would bear long term fruits. Also, all the school teachers in England, irrespective of their subject would get a 2.75% rise in their salaries.
With a rise in STEM education throughout the world, there is a huge market for Mathematics and Physics teachers in England at this moment as per secretary Williamson. Graduates in business studies, arts, and design courses are also eligible for a similar bonus structure as there is a huge shortage of such teachers.
While everything seems good, some teachers will see a cut in their bonuses, especially English, history and geography teachers.


Mihir Sharma

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