Asia Schools

Taiwan ranks at impressive 17th position in 2018 Worldwide Educating for the Future Index

According to the 2018 report of the Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI), Taiwan ranks at seventeenth place among the fifty countries included in the index. The idea behind the yearly reports of the index is to show how countries are developing their educational systems. 
The Worldwide Educating for the Future Index takes into account the educational results of students between fifteen and twenty-four years old in more than fifty countries around the world. 
The 2018 report reveals that Finland is the best-performing country in terms of developments and quality of the educational system. Among the top ten are countries like Switzerland, Canada, and New Zealand. Singapore is also featured in the top ten, holding the seventh position in the ranking. According to WEFFI, the top performers have demonstrated a forward-thinking strategy to work on essential aspects of education.

Taiwan in 17th place, Singapore in 7th

Singapore is the only Asian country to make the first ten positions on the index for 2018. It is a well-known fact that Singapore is one of the most forward-thinking countries in terms of schooling and the educational system.
However, this strong emphasis on good results is putting a lot of pressure on students, and this has become a reason for concern in the country. Reports claim that mental health problems are on the rise, especially conditions like anxiety and depression. According to research, students state that the most common reasons for these high levels of stress are the expectations that both the government and parents have for their school activities.


Hristina Yordanova

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