Schools Students

Ex-Conservative Minister Vaizey deplores relentless focus on STEM

Ex-Conservative Minister Ed Vaizey has expressed that the “relentless focus on STEM (in effect the three Rs, and the EBacc) ” should be changed during the debate in Westminster Hall for uplifting music education. As Vaizey has mentioned to the Members of Parliament (MP), he expressed his dissatisfaction in this statement:  “…one of the frustrations […]

mobile Europe Schools

A British school has issued a ban on mobile phones

Starting September, the pupils of every George Spencer Academy Trust school will be banned from carrying their mobile devices to school. This is a rather radical decision that is said to have left students “devastated”. The school administration in Stapleford ironically decided to inform parents of the change in school policies via a text message. […]

Asia Blockchain

Kazakhstan pursues on developing education with Blockchain

It hasn’t been long since Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), the main financial hub based in Kazakhstan, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Fidor Solutions, a digital-only company based in Germany. The agreement aims to cement and encourage the progression of fintech programs in Kazakhstan. Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) acting CEO, Mukhtar Bubeyev, […]