mobile school Asia Schools

War in Syria: Children in mobile schools

Syrian children form a line outside their mobile school bus in the camp settlement in Hazano, Syria as the war rages. Years of fighting and bombings in various cities throughout Syria has caused a huge number of displaced families, destroyed infrastructures and dysfunctional schools. One of the most affected in this war in Syria is […]

trauma assault Nonprofits Uncategorized

Trauma Informed Approach on Sex Assault Victims

What is a trauma-informed approach? Trauma is not just limited to experiences of violence; it can also include the act of witnessing violence as well as experiences of stigmatization due to race, gender, poverty, sexual orientation, and molestation. Trauma is a being’s response to violence and or other overwhelmingly negative experience. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is […]

fire protection Europe Schools

English schools have poor fire protection ratings

Leading insurance provider calls for the government to improve the fire protection system of schools in England.   In an inspection carried out by Zurich Municipal on schools around England, 67% were found to have ”poor” fire protection systems, and only 5% were considered with and “excellent” status. On a similar inspection in Scottish schools, […]

Asia Teachers

Nevada picks 57 Filipino Special Education teachers

Fifty-seven (57) Filipino Special Education (SPEd) teachers were recently hired by southern Nevada in the Clark County School District (CCSD) to fill the open positions. The shortage of SPEd teachers appears to be nothing new around the area. Starting in 2017, eighty-four (84) Filipinos were sent to southern Nevada to fill in the spots for […]

Students United States

Higher grades correlate to growth mindset intervention

Published in Nature, a national study released this week which revealed that growth mindset intervention boosts academic success resulting in having higher grades. The study involved about twelve thousand and five hundred (12,500) ninth (9th) graders for the evaluation. These freshman students showed that by having two (2) sessions with a twenty-five (25) minutes duration […]

Opportunities United States

Data confirm MBA degree boosts career

Including a Master in Business Administration (MBA) in the resume apparently boosts chances of getting more attractive business career opportunities. To give more light about the subject, comparing data according to various programs and employment statistics is crucial. According to US News best grad schools ranking, in 131 MBA programs shows that two (2) types […]

United States Universities

Top university picks for education degrees 2019

Times Higher Education (THE) released their data called World University Rankings to show the top picks for education degrees for 2019. The calculation included about 1,250 universities using thirteen (13) performance indicators. It values independent assessment with comprehensive comparisons and has been the only global university ranking who has done this by far. Unshakeable, University […]


3 communities foster STEM learning

Inspiring communities begin to spring up to foster learning for STEM girls in their latent and creative capabilities in spite of the alarming increase of the gender workforce gap. Within the science and engineering (S&E) labor force, it used to be so tough for women to break into the field because of the lack of […]