Saudi EduTech, Noon Academy, company raises $13 million E-Learning Europe

Saudi EduTech, Noon Academy, company raises $13 million

Noon Academy has raised $13 million in its second round of funding. The platform also indicated that they had increased their number of users by three million since the pandemic started. Usage of education technology (EduTech) has spiked in 2020, after the global spread of coronavirus that resulted in school shutdowns. The shutdowns forced students […]

Language students in the UK facing a difficult time traveling abroad for learning Europe Universities

Language students in the UK facing a difficult time traveling abroad for learning

The year abroad program for language students in the UK is being abandoned after the spread of coronavirus in the country. Virtual year abroad is being hailed as a viable replacement for the program by many universities. The spread of coronavirus across Europe has resulted in many universities canceling overseas learning trips. However, some are […]

philippines-cancel-face-to-face-classes Asia Schools

Philippines postpones face to face classes until coronavirus vaccine is found

Face to face classes will not be implemented in the Philippines until a vaccine is found. The government is exploring options on how the August 24th school reopening will proceed. The push for school reopening in the Philippines continues to divide many on the best approach during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Government agencies, teachers, teachers […]

Radio service being used for education in Latin America Students

Radio service being used for education in Latin America

Latin America has turned to radio services to help students continue learning during the lockdown. Programs have been structured into lessons and scheduled to help students who cannot access the internet. The spread of coronavirus in Latin America is resulting in local radios adopting services targetted at students who have been forced to stay at […]

Asia Blockchain

Blockchain Education for China's Largest IT

It’s time for Chinese programmers to learn the principles of blockchain development from the largest platform in IT education in the country. serves to expand IT education nation-wide and currently owns over 600,000 members.  With more than 2500 study programs, Jikexueyuan platform offers education for developers working with Android operating system.  Blockchain Education for […]