Chandrayaan 2’s fate known today India Science

Chandrayaan 2 completes LOI maneuver

Chandrayaan 2 moon expedition Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver was completed successfully today (August 20, 2019). The duration of maneuver was one thousand seven-hundred and thirty-eight (1,738) seconds beginning from nine hundred two (0902) hours Indian Standard Time (IST). With this, Chandrayaan-2 was successfully inserted into the Lunar orbit. The orbit achieved is one-hundred fourteen […]

India Science

Chandrayaan 2 reaches moon's orbit on August 20

Chandrayaan 2, India’s lunar spacecraft on its second phase is anticipated to reach the moon’s orbit on August 20. According to K Sivan the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), this mission’s goal is to get to the moon’s orbit, and later, on September 7, reach the lunar surface. Chandrayaan-2 is a follow […]