Europe Schools

Mental health issues: Schools hand-in-hand with parents

mental health

A survey conducted on mental health by The Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC), a professional association of world-leading independent schools, indicates that many schools are now being involved in supporting parents on how to manage their children with issues.

A decent ratio of 30% of the schools included in the HMC says that they are already spending a significant amount of time to cater the needs of parents whose children having mental health issues, while 49% of the schools are in a transition from spending a reasonable amount into going an extra mile. The survey was conducted on 200 independent schools under the HMC.

There is evidence that parents are increasingly valuing opportunities offered by the schools regarding mental health issues. It delights us to see their interest and willingness to learn to further understand their children’s behavior, says Chris Jeffery of Bootham School.

How to handle mental health issues

Issues on mental health should first be addressed within the family, parenting classes are one way of forming stronger bonds to address this issue.
A recent study shows that antisocial behavior from people suffering from mental issues, who do not feel cared about by their parents, are more of a financial burden on society compared to those who fell supported.
The study also shows that anti-social behavior from bad parent-children relationship results in a costly lifestyle during the children’s transition to adulthood.
While parents are the experts in handling their children, there is still a lot of room for learning especially in dealing with children with mental health problems. The experience and theory-based learning that parents can acquire through parenting classes can help them understand their children more.
Bootham School which is part of the HMCS conducts a Saturday program that tackles parenting courses for different age groups and an open forum type discussion to cater to additional questions for special cases. Recent topics involve, how to help children to handle pressure during exams, how to have a healthier studying environment, and developing personal health.
It takes proper parental support for a child to feel that he is cared for and loved.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid. 
– Albert Einstein


Ken Vincent Rosales

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