Government United States

State Education Department – shunned by professionals?

State Education Department

The United States State Education Department has been witnessing a worrying trend because top officials are quitting in their droves. For instance, Beth Berlin, the Interim Commissioner, recently left, and this was after being at the helm for a short time.
This state of affairs may, therefore, jeopardize the functionality of the State Education Department. 
Notably, Berlin took the Interim Commissioner’s post after her predecessor, MaryEllen Elia, abruptly quit at the end of August.

Something amiss at the State Education Department

Some of the top officials who have left the State Education Department include Deputy Commissioners, John D’Agati, Jhone Ebert, and Angelica Infante-Green. 
Additionally, Associate Commissioners have also not been spared because some of them have resigned, such as Ira Schwartz and Renee Rider, among others. 
Chuck Dedrick, the New York State Council of School Superintendents Executive Director, asserted that Berlin’s resignation was very concerning. 
He also acknowledged that there was something wrong in the State Education Department based on the many professionals leaving.  

Poor policies at the State Education Department

Some of the strategies adopted at the Department of State Education are propelling the massive exodus of professionals. 
It has been stipulated that some of the approaches in place will make schools disastrous, and no one who holds integrity would want to be part of it. 
For instance, the State Education Department’s reputation has been daunted by the rolling back of standards, easing graduation pathways, and weakening measures meant to make teachers accountable for their performance. 
Conversely, Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, is facing separate lawsuits based on the way the Department of Education handled for-profit schools.
One of the accusations entails how an operator of for-profit schools was permitted to misguide students. As a result, they are drowning in debt that is beyond their capabilities. It is also alleged that Betsy DeVos has continually refused to discharge the student loan debt of borrowers.


Brian Njuguna

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