Australia Students

Social inequality: The downfall of Australian education?

social inequality

International reviews point out social inequality as a factor for the collapse of the education system in Australia.

The Australian brand of education

The quality of education in Australia was considered to be one of the best in the world. But, according to international records, it is also considered as one of the most socially unequal education systems among wealthy countries worldwide.
In a recent study, for the past decade or so, several policies have been suggested to steer out the existing politics behind the education system in Australia. Social inequality should be a thing of the past and is not a good role-model for the future of education breakthroughs.
During the introduction of the OECD’s PISA ranking system, Australia ranked at the top along with powerhouse countries like Denmark, U.K., Netherlands, and New Zealand. For now, in performance, Australian education is of top-caliber but not suited to be a role-model for good learning in future-oriented education systems.

Social inequality should be a thing of the past

According to PISA rankings and other worldwide performance rankings, Australia’s students are still top performers in reading, mathematics, and science scores. But, the social inequality factor is equally considered the same with academic performance measures.
Australia’s education system has been found to be poorly addressing issues in special education needs, child support for health and wellness, and resource allocation for schools with needed support. The strategy in Australia revolves mainly in schools fighting off each other and using teachers as targets for blaming when education rankings bar down.
Education experts believe that as equity in the education system is maintained, then Australia can shine back to its former glory in the international education rankings.
The following factors should be reinforced and acknowledged by the government to improve Australia’s education system: High-quality education in early childhood development, Support for students with special needs, health and well-being support for students, funding for students belonging to financially struggling families, and investing in teacher development and professionalism.
Featured image by TeachersMagazine


Ken Vincent Rosales

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