Asia Schools

Singapore loans at least 12,000 electronic gadgets to be used for distance learning

The Ministry of Education in Singapore loans electronic gadgets and internet devices for students under distance learning.

Distance learning in Singapore

Singapore did very well at controlling the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak in their country for the past month. Despite the positive response from the public, the government has not been lackadaisical in continuing to ensure that the contamination is well under control.
For public safety purposes, classes are still suspended in Singapore, except for special cases such were schools provide general services for children’s of key workers. As a remedy to suspended physical classes, the Ministry of Education(MOE) in Singapore has issued a distance learning program for all grade levels.
During distance learning, students may be able to continue attending classes from the comfort of their homes, using their electronic gadgets such as laptops, tablets, smart TVs, or mobile phones. More than 95 percent of households in Singapore do have the means to access distance learning.

Electronic gadgets loaned by the Ministry of Education

The remaining percentage of students in Singapore who do not own and have access to electronic gadgets for online learning, the MOE is offering subsidized loans that will provide students with devices they can use for online learning.
Families in the low-income bracket can avail of the government’s loan subsidy with the inclusion of free broadband internet from the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) under their  NEU PC Plus program.
The loan is not mandated if not beyond the financial capacity of the family; still, schools remain open for students under these special circumstances. They will be attending class along with other students like those children of key workers. The school will provide the necessary devices for online learning while they are on school premises.

Latest update on COVID-19 in Singapore

Despite maintaining good control over the COVID-19 crisis in Singapore for the past few weeks, the recent mass testing revealed a spike in positive cases in the country over the weekend. Most of the recent cases are from dormitories, where foreign workers in Singapore are currently residing. The good news is that the new cases are at 90 percent contained in a specified area, which makes it easier to isolate and identify for treatment.
electronic gadget
Source image by Channel News Asia


Ken Vincent Rosales

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