Europe Social Issues

Sheffield's LGBT flats counter stereotype

Sheffield’s solitary LGBT accommodation halls counter stereotype image

In 2018, the University of Sheffield made a bold move of establishing solitary LGBT accommodation flats. Thus, it became the first university in the United Kingdom to take such a direction. 
Initially, stereotypes were inevitable as the coverage of the LGBT flats was based on exaggeration and untruths. 
For instance, the public was made to believe that the accommodation buildings were painted with substantial rainbow colors. As a result, they were stereotyped as a type of ghetto where gay students were made to stay. 
This was, however, not the scenario because the thirty-two (32) learners accommodated in seven (7) halls were scattered across the three (3) student villages. Interestingly, they were unidentifiable apart from their tenants.

A collab between Sheffield and LGBT student union

The LGBT accommodation project was initiated following a collaboration between the LGBT student group and the university. 
One of the LGBT students who happens to be an activist revealed that initially, worries were inevitable when the project was launched. However, this changed based on the assurance given by the university.
The LGBT students reveal that they are comfortable as they do not have to look masculine or feminine for them to be accepted. Expressly, they assert that they feel comfortable and safe.

LGBT students assured

According to Fran, one of the LGBT students who identifies herself as a queer individual, fellow students had voiced out their fears about new roommates sharing conflicting views from other people. These fears, however, went away because being around fellow LGBT students made life easier.
Conversely, another LGBT student named Veronica asserted that LGBT accommodation flats were instrumental in reassuring her that her sexuality was not any different as it would be acknowledged.
As a result, her confidence level was propelled as she became more outgoing. 
Veronica also stipulated that the flats enhanced her strength in being herself, and not being afraid about her identity. 
The acceptance of the LGBT community is being felt in different parts of the world. For instance, in Illinois, United States, a bill was recently passed where an LGBTQ curriculum was launched. 


Brian Njuguna

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