Europe Schools

School for children with special needs to open in Cheshire East

A new school dedicated to education for students with special needs will soon be opening in Cheshire East. This is one of fourteen schools approved by the government, which will start providing free access to education to students with learning disabilities. 
These new schools are part of the SEND program, which aims to make education more accessible to children with special needs. 
The new school will operate out of the buildings of the now-former Lodgefields School and will provide learning opportunities for more than forty children form the area. According to project supervisors, this new school will save money, as the SEND program is currently transporting students to schools farther away from their homes. 

Special needs education 

Special needs education in the United Kingdom has been rapidly developing ever since the introduction of the SEND program in 2014. Numerous awareness campaigns have also started across the country, as students with learning disabilities need to receive an appropriate education. 
One of the most significant campaigns in support of students with disabilities and special learning needs was a petition signed by more than nine thousand teachers and parents. In it, families demanded that teachers receive mandatory training for helping children with autism throughout their education. 
It is essential that the government spends enough money on developing and supporting special education, as children with learning and other disabilities cannot attend regular public schools. 
Such students need special attention from their teachers and an adapted curriculum, which suits their capabilities. The SEND program is a significant step forward in the right direction when it comes to special education in the United Kingdom.


Hristina Yordanova

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