Teachers United States

Same-race teachers benefit students of color

same-race teachers

A study from the National Academies shows significant benefits of having same-race teachers teaching colored students.

A social-emotional aspect of students

We are accustomed to the criteria of a good teacher depends on her educational attainment, knowledge, and professional achievements. But, the demand of students today is slowly leaning towards emotional experience and social compatibility.
Based on a study by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, social-emotional development has become a big factor for students today, something which is not considered a lot from educators twenty years ago.
The Board of Higher Education and Workforce has collaborated with the Board of Science Education to come up with a 15-month program that will analyze changes within the teacher workforce over the past twenty years. The program is also set to determine the effects of Professional Development (PD) training inside an actual classroom setup.

Same-race teachers connect deeper with students

There is a growing shift in student diversity in U.S schools. As of the year 2000, 61 percent of K-12 students were white, but in 2015, the numbers shifted to 49 percent. Though the teacher workforce has been almost constant at 80 percent white teachers, with almost 77 percent are female.
The lack of black teachers causes a slight concern, considering the change in the diversity of student race and ethnicity in schools.
According to research, there are more complex factors that lead to lesser black teachers, like other career opportunities and high competency in qualifying for a teacher’s license.
The research also pointed out the benefits of having same-race teachers for colored students. But, aside from being same-race teachers, it is also important to consider the skills of the teacher to recognize and level the skills each student brings in to the classroom.

Teachers should be sensitive enough to relate to their students no matter what race or ethnicity they belong to.

It was also noted that local state factors contribute to the lack of diversity in teachers. States should adjust accordingly in their policies when it comes to teacher licensure, tenure, pension, and benefits. This can attract a more diverse set of applicants for teachers.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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