Students United States

Children's books catered for BAME students help in better reading comprehension


Out of 11,011 children’s book published in 2018, only seven percent featured BAME characters within its stories.

BAME students: The minority group

Independent schools are getting more ethnicity diversified in recent years. The Independent Schools Council (ISC) found out that 33 percent of the pupils from ISC certified schools are part of a minor ethnicity group. Independent schools are known to represent the community where it was founded.
A recent study in U.S schools has shown a drop in their reading comprehension ratings. This is the reason why schools in the U.K. doesn’t want to commit the same mistakes and is emphasizing on establishing a good reading habit for its students.
Pupil exposure to current events socially can be best expressed in reading materials used in school. Books are the main form of literacy aid in schools. Study shows that when reading materials are interesting, it encourages readers to develop a good reading habit that is very essential in every step of learning.
The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education had a study showing that out of 11,011 children’s book published in 2018, only seven percent features Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) in its contents. With only four percent of which portrays a part of the BAME being the lead character of the story.

Books and stories have shaped me to be the person I am today. Fueling my imagination, expanding my horizons, and setting expectations are just a few from what I’ve learned from constant reading.
-Jasmine Richards, Editor and Founder of children’s fiction development studio Storymix

Readers deserve to feel valued and important, letting readers be a part of the story they are reading makes it a more holistic experience. For a community with a huge population of BAMEs, books editors should also tailor their characters in a way that is welcoming for its audience. Editors should consider the relation between reality and the augmented scenario they want to portray in their stories.
Exposing children the joy of reading helps them see the fun in reading and will greatly help their learning comprehension. Reading comprehension is key to better learning from middle school onwards. Reading helps sharpen the mind and enables more information so sip in and be retained by our brain.
Children’s books must adapt to the demographics and ethnicity of the readers in a region. This method can greatly increase interest among its readers.
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Ken Vincent Rosales

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