Europe Schools

BAME pupils discrimination evident in the choice of books for primary schools

pupils discrimination

BAME pupils discrimination is evident in the choice of books for primary schools. Evidently, schools should get the right books for diversification. That was the gist of what was deduced in the current book purchases as Scott Emmons stressed in his complaint. He created a fundraising campaign to provide BAME children with reading materials which include 21 books for children aged 3 to 11, and stories of Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks.
Discrimination evidenced in the book selection is actually not a new observation. Since 2018, it has been observed that only approximately 7% of children’s books featured BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) characters. The Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE)’s Reflecting Realities report highlighted the lack of diversity in UK children’s publishing. The report also expressed:

More so than ever, it’s crucial to find books that represent the diverse and varied experiences and cultures of all pupils.

Pupils discrimination in the choice of books

There is discrimination in the choice of books among  British schools. This can be resolved by providing diverse reading materials for students. Last Wednesday, an amount amounting to $6000 was raised by donors who were inspired to help. The amount will assist the BAME pupils to feel recognized by giving them a chance to read diverse reading materials in their school libraries.
Mr.  Emmons said:

There’s a lack of books in primary schools where not only can teachers teach the white students about these issues but also the BAME students are severely underrepresented in the books that they have.

We took a look at what these recommended books for primary school pupils. A lack of diversity in reading materials exists, without surveying the needs of those in the minority.

Donations across the world for discrimination against George Floyd

Donations were inspired by the demonstrations and protests that are happening across the globe that call for the justice of George George Floyd, who was murdered under the custody of four policemen in Minneapolis. The pupils discrimination in the choice of books may have actually led to inadequate learning for both black and white children.
Peaceful demonstrations happening around Hyde Park inspired Scott Emmons, a 34-year-old man who resides in the area. The donations will come in handy in the provision of diversification material, and thus, at least more than 20 for the pupils between the age group of 3 to 11 which talk about legendary tales of Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela.

Reduce BAME pupils discrimination in the choice of books

BAME pupils are discriminated against in the choice of books according to Emmons.  He looks forward to expanding the organization, more than the donations platform that he had created. He is hoping that the schools will also jump along and buy more books in order to reduce BAME pupils discrimination in the choice of books. He further elaborates:

The vision of this initiative is to immerse the necessary amount of pressure needed by learning institutions to have these books in their libraries and make the black people, Asian pupils are recognized and to cater for all pupils` books.

The problem apparently isn’t a lack of funds since most of the schools have money. The major issue is pupils discrimination in the choice of books. The issue is not purchasing the necessary books and giving BAME a recognition in the choice of books for British Primary Schools. All children must know the issue of discrimination and why there must not be.

Risk of discrimination must be buffered and children at risk must be supported

Large differences among racial and ethnic groups continue to exist in employment, income and wealth, housing, education, criminal justice, health, and other areas. While many factors may contribute to such differences, their size and extent suggest that various forms of discriminatory treatment persist in modern society and serve to undercut the achievement of equal opportunity, starting from primary schools.
Though nominally, the criticisms of literature about minoritized racial or ethnic groups have usually been directed at “bad language,” “suggestive situations,” “questionable literary merit,” or “ungrammatical English” (usually oblique complaints about the different dialect or culture of a group), the underlying motive for some attacks has unquestionably been discriminatory. At another level, there is an attempt to whiten BAME pupils that they forget their ethnic roots.

Importance of minimizing discrimination of BAME children

Schools must understand who might be at risk of discrimination, what they should do to minimize discrimination, and how they can buffer and support children and families who may be at risk of being discriminated against.
One research on children’s reading choices will illustrate the importance of free choices for primary school children. The more students read independently, the better their reading becomes. When students read books of their own choosing, they are likely to be more motivated, independent readers. The ultimate goal is to encourage motivated, skilled
readers who choose to read widely and who develop lifelong reading habits.


Martin Ngahu

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