Europe Universities

Portuguese universities report increase in number of students

In a recent announcement by Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portuguese universities are attracting more higher education students. Recent statistics show that the number of both local and international students has been steadily rising. According to Mr. Heitor, this is proof that higher education in the country is becoming better.
The admission of applications for university courses has ended, and results show that there are around two thousand (1,666) more entries than last year.
According to information from the ministry, an increasing number of young adults in Portugal chose to pursue higher education. Reports show that since 2005, there has been a sixteen percent rise in the number of Portuguese students admitted to universities in the country.

Portuguese universities attract foreign students

Universities across Europe are attracting more students as they become recognized for the quality of education and lifestyle they offer. Portugal is joining numerous countries like Scotland and Germany, where exchange and international programs are becoming more popular. 
According to ministry data, most of the international students who chose to graduate in Portuguese universities are from countries where Portuguese is a national language. About thirty percent of all international students are from Brazil, while the number of students from Angola is also rising. 
Mr. Heitor also added that over the past twenty years, the number of international students coming to study in Portugal has increased significantly. According to him, the Erasmus program has a significant role to play in this increase, as it makes student exchanges easier.


Hristina Yordanova

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