
Pope Francis: Humanity is in need of a renewed educational covenant

Pope Francis

Pope Francis, at a conference in the Vatican, has stated that humanity requires a renewed educational covenant aimed at molding mature persons capable of mending the fabric of human relationships and creating a more fraternal world.
He made this call while addressing participants at the just-concluded two-day Conference in the Vatican titled; “Education: The Global Compact.”

The Conference was part of a series of events leading up to the signing of a “Global Compact for Education,” initiated and promoted by Pope Francis in the Vatican for 14 May 2020.
According to the Pope’s message, the world faces significant challenges, and education is at the core of solutions for the future. Necessitating the need to join forces to achieve a broad educational covenant.
Pope Francis said:

Poverty, discrimination, climate change, the globalization of indifference and the exploitation of human beings all prevent the flourishing of millions of children.

Pope Francis’ concern for the future of humanity

During his speech, Pope Francis praised the UN and other international agencies for their relentless efforts in spreading education to various regions of the world.
He noted through their effort, primary education has almost become universal throughout the world.
However, Pope Francis expressed concern in the area of value, traditions, and cultures being taught to future generations.
He explained that each generation needs to consider how best to hand its knowledge and values to the next — noting that it is through education that men and women attain their maximum potential and become conscious, free, and responsible.

Society to recommit towards enlightening future generations

Conclusively, Pope Francis called on all members of the community to renew and consolidate their commitment in favor of enhancing education.
He said:

To achieve this, there has to be an integration of disciplines, culture, sports, science, relaxation, and recreation; bridges have to be built to overcome the forms of enclosure that trap us in our little world and to launch into the global open seas in respect for all traditions.

Pope Francis called in particular for greater participation of families and local communities in educational projects.
Additionally, he praised and upheld the work and responsibility of teachers, pointing out that in a new educational compact, the function of teachers, as educators, must be acknowledged.


Daniel Abel

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