
Pisay Grade 12 students’ incredible traffic research

Pisay Grade 12 students

During the recently completed Regional Invention Contest and Exhibit (RICE), Pisay Grade 12 students showcased their innovative research where traffic could be managed with an algorithm at intersections. 
The Pisay Grade 12 students were Miko Nunez, Angelo Mari Montero, and Hannah Marielle Tecson. Their research was titled “Feasibility of an Adaptive Timer System in Traffic Management Utilizing Induction Loops.”

Pisay Grade 12 students top the creative category

The Pisay Grade 12 students emerged the top among 43 contenders in the Outstanding Creative Research category. 
Their research entails a proposed system that will manage traffic in intersections using an algorithm whose role will entail counting the number of cars in traffic. Ultimately, it will establish a suitable time the traffic lights will get to the green light phase. 
The system is outstanding because it will be in a position to know the number of cars by extracting data from sensors. 

Pisay Grade 12 students’ research encouraged by irritating traffic snarl-ups

The Pisay Grade 12 students asserted that they at times got stuck in traffic for hours, especially in congested areas, and this was irritating. As a result, they felt determined to come up with amicable solutions to address this challenge. 
The Pisay Grade 12 students noted that the research was beneficial to every city dweller given that vehicular travel is a crucial part of their lives.
 They also acknowledged that the system’s logic could be incorporated into traffic controllers. Moreover, once implemented alongside sensors, traffic flow could be considerably propelled. 
The winning research in the RICE competition was to bag P20,000, as well as get a direct entry into the National Invention Contest and Exhibit (NICE). 
Conversely, STEM students are being offered two thousand ($2000) PixelPlex Bi-Annual Scholarship. The scholarship aims to support and encourage students to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects.


Brian Njuguna

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