Asia Law and Courts

PHL educators nix 'no homework bill'

Philippine (PHL) private and public educators converged on August 27 and aired their concerns about the proposed ‘no homework bill’. They asserted that it could make Philippine education structure problematic as slackness could be promoted among students.
The dilemma stemmed from House Bill (HB) No. 3611 filed by Sorsogon representative Deputy Speaker Evelina Escudero. The proposed bill seeks to remove homework as a class requirement and limit school activities to the campus. The rationale is that homework or take-home studies and assigned tasks from teachers take away time for family bonding,
Quezon City Representative Alfred Vargas also filed a similar proposal through HB 3883 which focus on stopping teachers from giving assignments or homework on weekends. He based his proposal on studies suggesting that “homework does impact upon family life,”
However, the Federation of Associations of Private Schools & Administrators (FAPSA) and the Teachers’ Dignity Coalition (TDC) are against these plans.

Implications of the ‘no homework’ strategy

Philippine educators acknowledged the dire consequences that could be prompted if lawmakers passed the no homework bill.
Expressly, they asked the Department of Education (DepEd) who supported this approach to comprehend the effects it could render to the Philippine education system and learners. 
According to TDC, the perception of homework being burdensome ought not to exist because it is an incredible avenue of instilling authority among students.
Benjo Basas, TDC’s chairperson, asserted that the organization’s teachers are well trained, hence, they acknowledge the importance of homework. 
He also stipulated that homework’s intention is not making student’s life difficult, but to instill continuity, responsibility, and discipline in the learning process. 
Basas believes that homework is crucial in strengthening family bonds because family members are usually compelled to assist the learner in completing the assigned tasks. 

Homework is an extension of lesson flow

According to Eleazardo Kasilag, FAPSA President, homework is pivotal in sustaining lesson flow.
He also asserted that some of the non-academic foundations such as the creation of home bonding time contradict the objectives of education
Kasilag asserted that some of the issues hindering learners’ study programs such as computer games and social media should be banned other than homework.
He also noted that lawmakers have been padding teachers’ responsibilities with extra mandates which do not really amount to educating learners such population census, prevention of illegal drugs, election duties, community mapping, among others. 
FAPSA and TDC asserted that the no-homework bill was unnecessary based on the numerous challenges being witnessed in the Philippine education system.
At the opposite end is DepEd Briones was referring to the DepEd Memorandum No. 392 series of 2010 which was issued by former Education Secretary Br. Armin Luistro. The said memorandum directed schools that “no homework/assignments shall be given during weekends for pupils to enjoy their childhood.”
She noted that despite the earlier directive given by her predecessor, there are still schools that continue to give homework to their students “that’s why our lawmakers proposed” these bills.
The Philippines is committed to enhancing digital education, whereas its SMEs are eyeing digital technology. If schools can upgrade their facilities wherein students can be effectively focused on the day’s lessons, then indeed, what’s the need for take-home work?

Updates on the ‘no homework bill’…

Philippine Senator Grace Poe filed a Senate bill banning teachers to give homework or assignments to students on weekends. Dubbed as Senate Bill 966 or the proposed “No Homework Law”, the bill prohibits teachers in all primary and secondary schools in the Philippines from “giving any network or assignments to students from Kinder to Grade 12 on weekends.”
However, the bill clarifies that homework can still be given on weekends if it does not take more than 4 hours to complete.


Brian Njuguna

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