Europe Teachers

Ofsted boosts parent-teacher relationships

In an effort to boost parent-teacher relationships in schools across the United Kingdom, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) has come up with some recommendations.
According to the office, one of the best ways to guarantee that teachers are professionals, and parents are satisfied with the education their children receive is to ensure that faculty members are well rewarded and satisfied with their career development options. 
While every school is its unique ecosystem, there are some universal tips and tricks to make the relationship between students and teachers more functional and productive. 

Parent-teacher relationships

Parents and teachers are the two central adult figures in a child’s life, which is why it is vital that these adults communicate with each other and share observations and ideas. 
Family life and school development are tightly interconnected, and if one of these aspects is not on point, the other one is bound to start lagging as well.
This is why it is important that parents seek to be involved in their children’s’ school lives, and the most effective way to do that is to have a working relationship with their teachers.

Teachers pay rates primary

At a time when a large percentage of teaching assistants and school staff are dissatisfied with their salaries, the government could also look into ways to improve pay rates in the industry.
One of the most important factors for teachers to be good role models for children is to ensure that they are happy with their standard of life. If teachers are satisfied, they will have the motivation to perform their duties with passion and attention. If teachers receive a decent salary, parents will also feel more relaxed about sending their kids to school, as they will know educators in the country are doing their best to deserve their salaries. 
Parent-teacher relationships are important, as children depend on these adults to be their role models. This is why schools should pay more attention to making faculty members happy so that parents are also satisfied with the education their children receive.


Hristina Yordanova

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