Asia Finance

Chief executive orders total casino shut down in Macau

casino shut down

The Macau government issued a total casino shut down for two weeks starting February 5, midnight.

Casino shut down in Macau

The Macau Government has issued a casino shut down on all its 41 casinos all over Macau. The shut down is expected to last at least two weeks after two new cases of the Novel Coronavirus have been identified within the local casino industry in Macau.
Macau Chief Executive Ho lat Seng announced the news during a press conference last Tuesday afternoon. Based on records, there are ten confirmed cases of the Novel Coronavirus in Macau.
Casino operators had a dialogue with the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wei Long. All 41 casinos and other gaming establishments are expected to be closed starting February 5, midnight, and will last for at least 15 days.

Controlling the spread of the Novel Coronavirus

The mandate by the Macau government is a pre-emptive measure to regulate the spread of the Novel Coronavirus in the area.
According to the Finance Secretary, all six gaming operators are willing to follow the government’s directive without compromising their employees’ rights.
The casino shut down does not include hotels, restaurants, and shops within Macau’s top tourist spot destinations.
Macau has been known worldwide for its Vegas-like casino lifestyle. Now that a suspension of operation has been issued, there are corresponding consequences that will affect the country’s revenue. But, the government believes that it is for the common good, especially when the health of the people is at risk.
As of now, the shut down was only imposed on casinos and gaming establishment. Macau’s borders are still open, and the tourists are still welcome to visit the country as they please.
The latest update on the Novel Coronavirus are as follows:

  • 20,000 confirmed cases in China
  • The death toll stands at 425 people
  • Over 170 people are affected in more than 20 countries worldwide

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Ken Vincent Rosales

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