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OpenWHO free multilingual coronavirus platform launched thanks to WHO

OpenWHO free multilingual coronavirus platform launched thanks to WHO

OpenWHO multilingual platform was launched to help in the fight against the spread of coronavirus. The platform will broadcast information in English, Arabic, and French.
World health organization (WHO) has announced through its social media platforms and official website that they are making OpenWHO free.

Launching OpenWHO platform

The platform will provide free data about the coronavirus, its spread and how citizens can protect themselves from the virus. The move comes just a few weeks after WHO declared coronavirus a global pandemic, a move that was received positively globally by countries already battling the spread of the virus.
The OpenWHO platform will be a multilingual platform that will have information health information of coronavirus and other diseases such as Ebola and other infectious diseases. During the announcement, the platform was described as one that will provide fast, free, and credible knowledge regarding the outbreak and effective response mechanisms.
The platform will be accessible through mobile devices and computers. This will contribute to its worldwide usage and also help accessibility in remote areas and developing countries.
WHO has been providing valuable information and support to countries already battling the virus. One way they are doing that is through the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response plan launched on March 5th. The platform has given the fight against the virus a global outlook and brought together countries already suffering from the menace to contribute to fighting the pandemic.

Multilingual Platform

The platform will be available in French, Arabic, and English and will serve a global audience. The platform will also broadcast official communication from WHO directors.
The platform will also offer an alternative to mass media which has been overwhelmed by coronavirus politics, reporting factual pandemic news and devastation the coronavirus is causing. OpenWHO will have real-time relaying of useful information in this time of crisis.
The launch of the platform comes during the peak of the spread of the virus with over 731,000 people already infected with the virus. The virus has also caused 34,663 fatalities worldwide with most of these fatalities coming from Europe, specifically Italy, which has recorded over 10,000 deaths.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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