Europe Schools

Ofsted: Sports classes need to be an essential part of the school curriculum

The Chief Inspector for the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), Amanda Spielman, has expressed concerns that sports and physical education classes are being stripped from school curriculums around Britain. 
In a recent interview, Ms. Spielman said that the government and school principles around the country should be aware that physical activity is essential for the development of young minds.
Not only that, but an effective physical education curriculum is also a vital part for the sports successes of the country as well. To train some of the best athletes in the world, Britain has to have a vibrant sports program in schools.

Schools are cutting down on sports classes

According to recent statistics, more than one-quarter of the schools (38%) around the United Kingdom have reduced the number of physical education classes for students between twelve and fourteen years old since 2012. What is more worrying that more than this tendency is continuing in full force as almost one in four schools has reduced the time for sports classes in 2018.
Considering this trend, it is somewhat expected that according to Sport England, only about forty percent (40%) of children in the United Kingdom get more than an hour of exercise daily.
According to  Ms. Spielman, Ofsted is going to recognize schools which show more responsibility towards physical education, to battle the worrying trend of less and less sports activities during school time.
Parallel to this effort to boost physical activity in British schools, Ofsted is also looking into ways to promote equality and acceptance, as these are essential parts of a successful sports program. 


Hristina Yordanova

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