Europe Schools

Notre Dame girl's school to turn co-ed, backed by 45percent of votes

Notre Dame girl's school to turn co-ed, backed by 45percent of votes

Scotland’s all-girls school is now soon going to accept boys to support coeducation. However, some of the campaigners in Glasgow don’t feel the same way. At this moment, it is pretty much sure that the Notre Dame High School will be a co-ed school soon. Ruling group of Glasgow, SNP has backed the move. Also, the city’s conservative and green groups have given their nod. The final decision is set to be ruled on the 28th of November. 

Notre Dame High School is Scotland’s last state-run all-girls school

It was a decision that was taken after a long consultation procedure which finally ended in May. Basically it was a survey that received over 5000 responses. There were three choices given in the survey. The first was to keep the school as it is without any changes, the second choice was to start accepting boys and the final choice was to keep the girls’ school intact but to increase the number of schools in the area.
Out of the 5000 responses received, almost 40% of the people demanded to change nothing at the school. 13.4% demanded the last option but 45% have asked to make the school co-educational.
A campaign group ‘Girls for Notre Dame’ said that they were very disappointed by the council members. Despite getting an almost 54% vote on keeping the school for girls-only (1st and 3rd choices), the councilors decided to go with the 2nd choice that received 45% of the votes. However, they are still waiting for the final result that is due next month.
Another campaign group ‘Notre Dame High for all’ have been extremely delighted with the decision taken by the council. Now that they are waiting for the final approval, they are happy with the fact that these gender-based barriers are being removed and everyone can have access to local education.
Chris Cunningham, who serves as the city convener for education, skills and early years for Glasgow city said that the SNP group and the rest of the cabinet agreed to discuss the matter after the voting. The Conservatives came into the discussion with an open mind and they respect the opinion of the public voting.


Mihir Sharma

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