
MouseBelt’s BEA seeks 20 leaders for boosting innovation


MouseBelt has revealed its latest initiative known as the Blockchain Education Alliance (BEA) with the primary objective of prompting blockchain innovation using education. 
MouseBelt serves as a blockchain accelerator whose goal is establishing a network of industry leaders. As a result, it aims at boosting blockchain innovation through entrepreneurship, research, and education at universities.
Some of the first members in the alliance include TRON, Stellar Development Foundation, ICON, Nervos, LTO Network, and NEM, among others. They will be instrumental in equipping university students with blockchain knowledge. 

MouseBelt’s initiative prompted by high blockchain education demand

According to MouseBelt University’s Director, Ashlie Meredith, the students’ desire for blockchain education has risen at a high rate. 
As a result, universities are required to establish experts in the blockchain space as they will be pivotal in developing projects and curriculum. 
BEA’s members will be helpful in this undertaking as they will present valuable knowledge. 
Meredith asserted that all stakeholders involved would have a considerable impact on the way blockchain technology will be introduced to students. 
MouseBelt is, therefore, doing an incredible job in the blockchain space as it will instigate more innovative research, blockchain developers, and higher quality firms. 

MouseBelt eyes blockchain educational initiatives

Through BEA, MouseBelt seeks to have a network of twenty (20) leaders made up of both academia and industry who will have the mandate of developing blockchain educational initiatives.
This approach is deemed fit to enhance blockchain technology’s mass adoption. 
MouseBelt is highly committed to this objective. It has proposed to organize various hackathons, face-to-face meetings, and meet-ups so that optimal collaboration can be instigated. 
Realistically, blockchain and cryptocurrency are emerging trends in the modern age, which lead to high demand for professionals with these skills. As a result, online blockchain education has emerged to be a new trend for universities. 
A recent survey by Deloitte Insights depicted that 86% of the respondents acknowledged the supremacy of blockchain technology because, in the near future, it will witness massive mainstream adoption. 
As a result, many institutions of higher education have comprehended the elevated interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency. This has made them contemplate offering classes to cover these areas. 


Brian Njuguna

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