Social Issues

Mental preparedness: Diminishing among students by 12.5percent

Students’ mental preparedness for college worrying

Statistics show that students mental preparedness is diminishing and this raises substantial concerns. The intense pressure has been subjected to students for them to succeed, and this significantly endangers their mental readiness and health for college.
Some students perform exceptionally well in high school, but upon joining college, they start failing miserably. This has been instigated by various mental conditions, such as depression and anxiety, and this hinders their college preparedness

Mental preparedness is crucial

Parents and society have been pressuring students to join colleges as this is a crucial avenue of having a successful life.
This has proven to be detrimental as students’ overall readiness and mental health for college have substantially dropped in recent years.
The lack of adequate college mental preparedness has made many students suffer. For example, in the 2017-18 school year, about 179,964 students were treated for mental health issues. Notably, this was an increase from 161,014 students previously for a 12.5% increase.

Lack of mental preparedness in 20%

Mental health issues have been inevitable in college students. According to statistics, 1 in 5 of them seeks mental health treatment while on campus regularly. 
Some depressed students have resulted in missing classes and not incorporating amicable time into their studies. Failure becomes inevitable, and this worsens their mental health conditions. 
On the other hand, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been witnessed in some students, and this shows a dire situation. 
Students can develop mental preparedness for college by amicably managing their lives and determining their purpose. They should also not shy away from seeking help.
Conversely, some incredible efforts are being made to instigate mental awareness. For instance, a group of student activists managed to convince the education regulatory body in Oregon to introduce a law, which will allow students to benefit from free of school days if they are experiencing mental health problems.


Brian Njuguna

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