Europe Universities

Mental health crisis curbed by emotional education

Emotional education: Fundamental in curbing the mental health crisis

Many universities are substantially embracing emotional education as it is deemed instrumental in eliminating the mental health crisis. 
Mental illness issues have been rising at an alarming rate, and this has made many stakeholders concerned. It is, therefore, being projected that emotional education will be pivotal in bridging this gap in the health system. 

Emotional education being embraced by learning institutions

Emotional education is being incorporated into the curriculum of various nations. 
For instance, in the US, many schools are inculcating social-emotional learning into the classic curriculum of geography, history, science, math, and language. 
Additionally, in the UK, the Department of Education has revealed plans of availing universal wellbeing education in schools by 2020. 
The notion presented is that knowledge is power. As a result, equipping school children with emotional education will make them knowledgeable when it comes to managing their well-being. 
This approach may prove helpful in eradicating the mental health crisis being currently witnessed. 
The situation is dire to the extent that nearly 50% of millennials are leaving their jobs because of mental health reasons.  

Importance of universities in rewriting emotional education

University students are among the major culprits of the mental health crisis. This is based on their high self-harm, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and suicide rates. 
According to a recent study by Fika, 96% of the respondents who comprised of UK students illustrated that emotional education would be ideal in reversing the student mental health crisis. 
Universities, therefore, have the obligation of availing emotional education as part of their modules as it instigates emotional self-development in learners. 
Moreover, this approach will ensure that young people are equipped with the skills needed when tackling the inevitable challenges of life. 
Conversely, emotional education programs are intended for dealing with the mental health crisis that students suffer are likely to suffer from, and to equip them with the necessary tools needed for thriving at studies and careers alike.


Brian Njuguna

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