Europe Universities

Meat banned from menus in major universities

Meat banned from menus in the major universities

Universities and colleges across the United Kingdom (UK) are preparing themselves for a vegan diet. Students all over are trying to cut meat from their diet. There are awareness campaigns, through which students are learn of the long term effects of meat on their health and the world.
Not only students, but the teachers, and staff are also participating in the movement too. With students returning back to their universities, there has been a drastic change as the cafeterias on the campuses are being replaced by vegetarian or purely vegan canteens. The student activists across the country have been spreading their word to go meat-free.
In many universities, red meat has already been taken off the menu and is restricted on campus. Cambridge University was the first to do so, and many others followed. This has produced some remarkable changes in favor of the environment. 
Studies have shown that Cambridge has lowered its carbon emissions by more than 30% for every kilogram of food bought. Red meat and some fishes were taken off the menu. Students had to sacrifice something, but it seems it was worth it.

Red meat has been completely banned by some universities

Following this, Goldsmiths, University of London will abolish beef and derived products, and PET bottled water in their canteens. Their ambition is to make the campus carbon-free by 2025. Leeds University is trying to make similar efforts by trying to provide plant-based foods for the very first time.
The activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are delighted with the response they have been receiving, especially when students are curious and interested to follow a vegan lifestyle completely. According to a study in 2018, reduced consumption of meat and dairy-based products can be the most effective way to curb the climate crisis.
Colleges have started out campaigns like ‘Veggie Mondays’ or ‘Vegan Wednesdays’ and the overall feedback has been much better than expected.


Mihir Sharma

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