Asia Science

Brain functions boosted with nutrients as you age past 65 years

Maintaining brain functions as you age past 65 years

Brain functions start to decline as you hit 65 years. It is important to have proper methods on how to take care of your aging brain. Proper nutrition and exercises are some of the recommended methods.
Data shows that, on average, people aged 65 years or more have a brain volume reserve of about 55 percent. This reduced brain volume reserve comes with risks such as developing stroke, dementia or other age-related brain diseases.
The research also shows that this amount spirals downward quickly if your brain is not subjected to proper brain healthcare. This has been a challenge for people looking to have a healthy brain at an old age. The approach to take to maintain a healthy brain has always eluded them.
With advanced technology, there are very many diagnostics to measure the way your brain functions. You can also be able to determine if your brain is undergoing negative changes and how they are affecting your overall health. However, some aspects of brain function, such as forgetfulness, are hard to determine. However, it is also recommended to visit doctors and get advice on the state of your mental health and brain functions.

Keeping your brain functions intact as you age

Many factors are associated with a decline in brain functions. Factors such as diet and exercise choices top the list of some of the most common causes of declining brain functions.
Other factors such as lifestyle-related such as not drinking enough water, not having a minimum of six hours of sleep a day and not taking enough micronutrients such as vitamins may also lead to brain function reduction as you age.
Prof. Hoo, who is also the president of the Malaysian Stroke Council, explained some of the best approaches to take to maintain a healthy brain. He challenged health enthusiasts who insisted on physical health as a form of brain health intervention by stating,

When it comes to exercise, many people think it’s all about aerobic exercise, but that is just the physical aspect. What about the brain? Do some crossword puzzles or Sudoku; take up taichi, which helps the physical and mental aspects. If you don’t use it, you lose it, so train the brain to maintain its health.

He indicated that people who took mental exercises such as mahjong for demented people reduced the decline of cognitive abilities. He ended up recommending an alternative to cardiovascular exercises to help maintain the sharpness of the brain.

Nutrients should be taken by aging people

Nutrition is also important for an aging brain. Food products containing Omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, and vitamins B and E, have long been used to improve brain health and has been proved to be very effective when taking care of your brain, Therefore, such nutrients should be taken by aging people to ensure that their brain health is improved and they are able to function properly.
Taking care of your brain health should be a priority as you age because of the important role your brain plays in your life. You should ensure that you eat healthily, have good amounts of sleep, exercise the brain and consult doctors for advice on your health. Doing this will significantly improve your life when you get old.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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