Schools United States

Food quality served at high-school angers parents

Food quality served at high-school angers parents

On the 13th of September, a high school student at Apollo High School, Minnesota posted a picture of food for her lunch in social media. The photo, after posting, instantly went viral. Maryn Holler posted the photo on her facebook account, where she was grateful that she had the money to buy food when there are so many who can’t afford this luxury.
Her plate consisted of a few baby carrots, a dip-sauce and a hot dog filled with molten cheese. Maryn didn’t complain about the food. What she was worried about was that the food cost her around $3, when it just took less than 50 cents to make it. A school canteen shouldn’t look out for its students rather than huge profits.
With over thousands of shares and comments, many parents have expressed their disappointment and rage over the quality of food the students are receiving. A user commented describing the shameful condition as he works for nutrition services in a different school and understands what the students go through. Students shouldn’t have to pay so much for a basic meal, and even so when the quality is so poor.
According to the national standards set for the breakfast and lunch food, schools and canteens should focus more on fruits, vegetables, and fat-free food, reducing the amount of sodium, harmful cholesterol, and trans-fats.

Just a dollar and 30 cents to ensure healthy food

Many schools in the country are helped by The National School Lunch Program, under which they provide free meals to more than 30 million students. However, in reality, the school is funded just $1.30 to spend on each child and ensure that a healthy diet is provided to them.
However, recently Maryn has edited her post to provide an update on the issue. The school principal had a meeting with her and her meeting is set with the districts’ nutritionist. Indeed, this can be a huge change for all the schools in Minnesota.
The facebook page of St. Cloud Area School District 742 later issued an apology on the behalf of the school and thanking people of making them aware of the situation.


Mihir Sharma

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