Europe Industry

Low skills despite high STEM in 73 percent applicants

UK skills deficit needs more than an elevated STEM study

Feedback from at least seven hundred (700) United Kingdom (UK) companies showed that seventy-three percent (73%) found job applicants whose workplace skills did not match their academic knowledge. 
Statistics show twenty-six and two-tenths percent (26.2%) elevation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) ratings from 2010; nevertheless, this increase in STEM scores do not correlate with skills needed by the United Kingdom technology and engineering companies.

Science-related courses favored in the UK

According to Stephanie Baxter, lead education policy and IET skills expert, it is exceptional to see young people in the UK favoring science-oriented subjects. 
Nevertheless, they are not optimally guided on the choices presented by different STEM studies.
Baxter noted that without the appropriate balance of career guidance, work experience, and education, the young people were not being informed about the outstanding range of STEM roles available. As a result, the industry suffers because of a skill deficit. 
Baxter asserts that career guidance entails boosting and acknowledging the importance of vocational work routes, such as T-Levels and apprenticeships.
She also affirmed that fears prevail about the present curriculum curtailing work-readiness of different STEM learners, such as engineers. 

UK employment and education sectors’ collaboration needed

Baxter acknowledges that a partnership is required in the UK employment and education areas so that the skills deficit can be eradicated. 
This ought to be undertaken so that engineering students can be availed with exceptional relevant work experience. 
She also stipulated that homegrown talent ought to be created for the next generation. As a result, the number of people undertaking engineering and science subjects in UK universities should go up. Additionally, the precise practical expertise ought to be presented in modern engineering careers. 
On the other hand, three communities are fostering STEM learning among girls. Additionally, in California Schools, STEM education is continuously being revamped. A worrying trend is, however, being witnessed in Biomedicine as STEM dropouts are being lamented


Brian Njuguna

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