Asia Teachers

Passing the licensure exam for teachers: The story of a former "tapasero"

licensure exam for teacher

This is the success story of a tapasero who almost made it to the top 10 of the licensure exam for teachers.

From humble beginnings

The inspiring story of Melvin Osabel Buracho, grew up in a family of farmers, dreamed for a future beyond being a tapasero, and now, a college graduate and a licensure exam for teachers (LET) passer.
Tapasero, is the term called for farmers who works primarily in cutting down sugarcanes which will be harvested for processing.
Melvin’s parents were not as ambitious as he is. He recalled his father saying,

Education is not that important. Working in the sugarcane plantation brings the money; we should only set our goals on that.

The mindset of Melvin’s father might have been caused by personal experience, not having to finish school and went to work at a young age.
His greatest obstacle when he was young was the influence his father has in the family, everything his father says seems right for everyone in the household

Conquering his fears

Melvin was different, and he wanted to go to school, he wanted to finish his studies, he wanted to make a change, and he wanted to be successful by having a degree.

He believed that education is the key to success

He worked three days a week at the plantation and fit in his classes at times when he is not in the plantation. Daily he walks a total of more or less six kilometres back and forth to go to his classes.
His father was never supportive of anyone in the family who chooses education. Melvin quit school by Grade 4 and worked full time in the plantation.
With the encouragement of his former teachers, Melvin went back to school. Luckily, a local restaurant allowed him to be a working student, and he graduated from grade school in 2005. In high school, he received various scholarships and part-time jobs to help him out with the finances, and at the same time being a consistent honour-roll student.

His father died days before his recognition day

After high school, Melvin stopped from schooling and found a job to support his younger sister go to school.

The long-awaited licensure exam for teachers

When he encountered his former batchmates that have already graduated from college, he suddenly felt envious and his vigour to finish a degree was suddenly rejuvenated.

I went to the cemetery and cried for forgiveness on my father’s tomb. I will fulfil my promise of giving this family a better future, for mom and my siblings.

With the help of an LGU scholarship program, Melvin graduated from college with a degree in Bachelor of Elementary Education, Major in General Education.
When melvin took the licensure exam for teachers, he almost made it to the Top 10, but he is still very thankful for the things he had accomplished and yet to be conquered.
An inspiring story indeed, from Tapasero to a licensure exam for teachers board passer.
Featured image by TheTorch


Ken Vincent Rosales

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