Asia Government

K-12 education program, for assessment by the PHL Congress

K-12 education program

The adoption of the K-12 education program will depend on whether the Philippine Congress accepts it or not. 
The effectiveness of the K-12 program is being questioned, and this is the reason why this approach has been necessitated. 

K-12 education program’s productivity debated

According to Salvador, the presidential spokesperson, Congress will have the mandate of deciding whether the education program is viable.
His sentiments come at a time when there are substantial concerns about whether it is living up to its expectations. 
The Congress Speaker, Alan Peter Cayetano, recently acknowledged that the K-12 education program is enshrined in many issues. For instance, students were availed with the option of enrolling in technical and vocational subjects for future employment preparedness. 

K-12 education program’s review welcomed by DepEd

The Department of Education or DepEd revealed that it supported a review of the K-12 education program based on the concerns aired pertaining to its effectiveness. 
Nepomuceno Malaluan, the education undersecretary, asserted that the DepEd welcomed the review process as it would be instrumental in determining the gains and difficulties. 
The DepEd and Congress have been making notable steps in addressing some of the concerns aired about the K-12 program. This has been witnessed since the last budget hearings. 
As a result, a dedicated and comprehensive review will be pivotal in tackling the concerns presented. Nevertheless, the DepEd has not shown any signs of being worried that Congress may scrap the program. 
Speaker Cayetano has been questioning the viability of the K-12 education program in accomplishing its objective of expanding the knowledge base of senior high school students in being employable irrespective of whether they pursue a college degree upon completing high school. 
On the other hand, according to a recent government announcement, the Philippines K-12 curriculum will become more focused on digital literacy. 
The transition towards better digital education will be facilitated by the newly adopted Digital Thumbprint Program (DTP). 
DTP was developed by the telecommunications giant Globe, which has a company goal to help boost education in online behavior and overall create a safe and enjoyable online environment. 


Brian Njuguna

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