Asia Government

Japanese government to aid education as more international students join

The Japanese Ministry of Education has announced a new plan to help educational institutions better as more international students join all levels of schooling in the country. The main goal of this new help program will be to ease international students’ transition from their home culture to society in Japan. 
The initial steps of the new program will include language courses and classes on the history, culture, and traditions in the country. 
According to recent statistics, there are more than one thousand and seven hundred (1,796) international students in primary and secondary schools all over Japan, and more than sixty percent (60%) of these children are not familiar with the language. 

Japanese education

International students are becoming more interested in the idea of studying in Japan, as the educational system in the country is one of the best-developed ones in the world. More and more students from neighboring countries are also showing interest in Japanese education. 
The trend is spreading not only over primary and secondary schools but higher education as well. Because of the rising number of international students, the government has decided to come up with a detailed action plan to help these children.
While the new program will increase the workload on teachers, international students will get to have a smoother transition. Fitting in the environment is one of the essential factors for children to feel safe and supported during their school years. Education in Japan is continuously developing, and the consideration the government is showing towards international students shows how forward-thinking policymakers are.


Hristina Yordanova

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