Asia Opportunities

IT jobs ranking: Quick guide to a tech career

it jobs ranking guide to a tech career.

Information Technology (IT) jobs ranking by salaries is culled from a survey conducted by which shows the favored positions in the Philippine Information Technology industry. Unsurprisingly, project managers rank first, with a whooping P147,500 ($2800) monthly salary.
Next, on the IT job ranking are Information IT Managers with an average monthly salary of P 141,700 ($2700) for senior positions and P75,000 ($1400) for junior positions.
And the list goes on with IT system security with senior positions rate at P99,000 ($1900), the intermediate rate at P38,000 ($730) and the junior rate at P17,500 ($340) respectively.

How does your target IT jobs rank?

Here is an infographic on the current job posting with average salary rates of the ICT industry in the Philippines.

According to Mr. Fred Tshidimba, founder and chief innovation officer at,

The more complex and in-demand the skill, the higher the expected base salary, employers put a high value on expertise for someone working for the ICT industry.

It may be true perhaps since we live on a generation revolving over technology. Almost all sorts of things and whatnot are being run over by computers and technical stuff. This salary grades can be a good representation of the high demand for talent in the field of the ICT industry.
The IT jobs ranking barometer shows that the estimated monthly salaries of different IT professionals can differ in their positions, role, specialization, experience, and training skills acquired.
Also, IT specialization skills are not just limited here in the Philippines but better opportunities are also found overseas. Here is a good offer for aspirants wanting to shift into an IT career. There is this high demand of IT specialization globally awaiting those in the ICT industry.

Salary by IT jobs ranking

The data from were based on salary to skills survey conducted on’s clients. Period covered was from January to June 2019.
On a side note, data collected does not represent the majority of the ICT industry operating in the Philippines, especially those with not so big names and smaller industries. Data might represent the cream of the craft in terms of the ICT industry in the Philippines. This does somehow shower a glimmer of hope for the IT aspirants out there that those high-grade salaries do exist in a developing country like the Philippines.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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