Asia Law and Courts

Hong Kong security laws rubber-stamped in Beijing, effective immediately

Hong Kong security laws

New Hong Kong security laws will allow China to set up shops in Hong Kong, arrest lawbreakers in Hong Kong and have more control over the city. The laws were signed by President Xi after China’s parliament rubber-stamped them.
Beijing has gotten its way after President Xi signed security law into effect after it was rubber-stamped by China’s parliament. The signing comes after a similar security law failed to get passed in Hong Kong that would have given China, more power over the city.

Hong Kong security laws explained

The new security laws will allow China to have more control over the fate of Hong Kong, with the security law banning f secession, subversion, terrorism, or collusion with foreign forces. If disobeyed, the Hong Kong security laws will result in maximum jail sentences for offenders.
The law also opens an opportunity for Chinese police and other law enforcement agencies to set up shops in the region. Activists opposed to the laws have called these security laws, the end of Hong Kong as they know it. They are also worried there will be targetted arrests across the city, that for the past one year, have been engulfed in protests opposing China’s expansion to the region.
Beijing celebrated the passing of the law with some going as far as calling it a sword over lawbreakers’ head in Hongkong. These sentiments about the sword on lawbreakers’ heads were also used by China’s main body for Hong Kong affairs to describe the Hong Kong security laws’ long term goal.

The genesis of the protests

Over one year ago, a similar law that would have allowed Hong Kong residents arrested in the city to be extradited to China, led to a chain of events that resulted in massive protests across the city. These protests have continued since then, with protestors in Hong Kong calling on China to stop fighting its city’s current democracy.
The current face-off between China and Hong Kong started some 23 years ago when the UK finally left the city. China signed an agreement that would have seen Hong Kong run as an autonomous region for fifty years in what was then called one country two systems. However, the flowery plan has had its thorns that have led to the deterioration of relations between the two systems, with China planning on how to get better control of the city.

History of the conflict

The Hong Kong and China’s model of governance, over the years, have grown apart, with Hong Kong being heavily democratic, whereas China continuing with the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. Experts, protestors and global leaders have always criticized China for its handling of Hong Kong, especially in the past two years, where it has become bolder in its push for controlling Hong Kong.
Immediately after the security laws were passed, global condemnation started with Taiwan being the first country to criticize China. They condemned the move and also offered Hong Kong residents refuge in the Island nation, for those who will be persecuted in their own cities. The US has also condemned the move by China.
Featured image by Pixabay


Kelvin Maina

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