Africa Nonprofits

Homophobic discernment: United Nations calls on political leaders to stop the discrimination

homophobic discernment

The LGBTQ community is still a wide-open target of homophobic discernment from the general public.

Effects of homophobic discernment

The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Navanethem Pillay made an example of a thirteen-year-old from California who recently committed suicide after succumbing to the pressure of homophobic discernment at school from classmates and schoolmates.
Seth Walsh is just one of the mortality in the US out of homophobic discernment from the community. In a country that was more tolerable to LGBTQ compared to those from the Middle East.
Forms of discrimination against the LGBTQ community do sometimes go out to the extent of physical violence. Sometimes, the abuse starts from their own homes.
Belgrade, last year, in a parade organized by the LGBT, a group of bystanders threw Molotov and other projectiles during the procession which led to chaos and at least 150 people injured.
In Brooklyn, New York, three gay men were abducted by unknown perpetrators and were physically tortured while tied up and their faces covered up.
Lesbians in South Africa were also raped in Soweto. Suspects justify their actions as a form of reminding the lesbians of their true gender orientation.

UN Human rights intervene

The United Nations Human Rights Commission is calling out political leaders to make a stand against the worsening cases of violence against the LGBTQ in their countries.
The first step into this is decriminalizing having a different sexual orientation from your in-born gender. Based on records, around 70 countries worldwide labels being part of the LGBTQ a criminal offense. This leads to illegal detention, abuse, and torture in some secluded countries.
Countries should criminalize abuse against the LGBTQ community to give perpetrators something to ponder about before trying to harass or inflict pain against an LGBTQ.
Homophobic discernment promotes violence, and politicians are called upon to see through these abuses. Sexuality should not be a criminal offense. We should all respect the gender orientation of everyone.


Ken Vincent Rosales

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