Europe Universities

Hinds assails university admissions system

University admissions are unrealistic

Damian Hinds, the outgoing Secretary of State for Education of the United Kingdom (UK), criticized university admissions procedures, specifically, the disturbing presence of many “pressure-selling tactics, which are harming students’ grades” as they symbolized broader issues.
University admissions utilize systems where prospective students are allocated slots based on estimated grades. This approach is imperfect, and this makes university admissions questionable.
Statistics show high inaccuracy in university admissions’ structures. Expressly, only sixteen percent (16%) of applicants correlate with the predicted marks. 

Students failed by university admissions

The utilization of a system where students’ admissions are founded on predicted results has proven to be a failure. Specifically, many applicants’ chances are hindered by a bias structure.  
The existence of both unconditional and conditional offers has been significantly criticized by the University and College Union (UCU). 
These opportunities are crafted in such a way that students only attain a place if the desired university is placed as the first choice. 
This shows the failure of the admission system because of the presence of certain aspects such as favoritism. 
Universities in the United Kingdom have come to acknowledge this challenge.  
He also affirmed that unconditional and conditioned opportunities replicated pressure-selling strategies that were detrimental to students’ grades. 

Universities’ options in a post-qualification admissions (PQA) system

A PQA structure will come in handy in enabling universities to resolve the admission challenge.
It will enable students to make university applications after they have attained their results. As a result, the challenge of imperfect grade estimates will be resolved. 
Additionally, the PQA structure will eradicate the chaotic clearing structure and unconditional offers. Equality will prevail as students will be presented with an unbiased admission system. 
The POA system has received considerable backing based on a survey involving ten admissions staff. Seven of them stated that they were in support.  
Nevertheless, more discussions are being instigated so that well-informed, transparent, and fair choices can be made about student admissions. 
A radical overhaul in university admissions is being orchestrated whereby real opportunities and reforms are being favored. This occurs as the issue of free college education is continuously being debated. 


Brian Njuguna

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