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Greta Thunberg passionately thinks young people bring change


16-year-old Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, on her arrival to Madrid for climate change talks, says young people will not be silenced as they are here to bring change.
Greta was mobbed by press and spectators when she visited the conference centre earlier on Friday, where she was set to join a large demonstration in favour of rapid climate action in the Spanish capital.
Speaking before the gathering Greta said she hoped the negotiations would yield some concrete result, as well as increase awareness to the general public, world leaders and prominent individual so they could grab the urgency of the climate issue.
According to her, people are afraid of change, and that is why they want everything to remain the same. She stated that change is what young people are bringing, adding that is why they try so hard to silence us.
Greta has recently become a role model for international youth environmental movement after she started skipping classes to protest against the perceived lack of action on climate change.
The activist had recently toured North America for almost three months, during that tour, she made a viral speech at a United Nations climate action summit and led climate change strikes in the US and Canada.
Greta arrived in Europe after hitching a ride back across the Atlantic on a yacht.

Major reaction to Greta Thunberg movement

Chile’s environment minister, Carolina Schmidt, has saluted the 16-year-old role in speaking out about the threat of climate breakdown.
UN climate chief, Patricia Espinosa has commended Greta’s ambition, stating the UN was receiving pledges from countries promising to adhere and find a solution to the climate issue.
Pope Francis has also expressed concern on the deteriorating state of the world’s climate.
However, Jeremy Clarkson, the Grand Tour host has attacked the climate change movement saying that the self-professed climate messiah should go back to school and abandon her climate crusade.
The TV-host further called the activist a mad person, stating she’s dangerous and was causing other young children sleepless nights with her idiocy campaign.
Clarkson also accused her of hypocrisy, claiming she was a pawn in another man’s war.

Greta understands creativity, not just science

A report by the Education Policy Institute revealed that with Greta Thunberg is creating all this awareness not just because of her science, but because of her creativity.
According to the report her speech at the UN Climate Action summit, in fewer than 500 words, was able to draw a reaction from the audience. This feat was achieved because of the 16-year-old ability to be creative.


Daniel Abel

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